Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 11.06.2015 11:37:02 Uhr 22.12.2024 23:15:51 Uhr

Statutory entitlement

4. Statutory entitlement to a kindergarten place – where is this laid down?

Common nationwide regulations

The Amendment to the Eighth Chapter of the Social Security Code (Child and Youth Welfare Act - KJHG) dated 15th December 1996 established common nationwide regulations through more specific definitions in § 24 KJHG (»Access to day care facilities and child care« - statutory entitlement) and by inserting § 24a KJHG (»Transitional arrangements for provision of child development offers« - effective date rule).

It is stated in § 24  clause 1 (statutory entitlement rule) that »... all children hold an entitlement to attend a kindergarten from their third birthday until they start school«.


These nationally applicable stipulations, which brought considerable difficulties for some federal states in the west of Germany, were no worry to Saxony, as comparable provisions were already to be found in the relevant Saxon regulations.


In Dresden, a pre-school day care place is guaranteed for all children from their third birthday onwards. In addition, further places are made available in nurseries and in after-school centres for primary school children (up to fourth grade), providing for an increasingly demand-tailored network of child day care offers.


Child Day Care Agency for Dresden

Visitor address

Dr.-Külz-Ring 19
01067 Dresden

Phone +49-(0)351-4885101
Fax +49-(0)351-4885103

Postal address

Postfach 12 00 20
01001 Dresden

