Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 19.07.2023 17:15:00 Uhr 07.03.2025 04:29:29 Uhr


Current population

Dresden 2022 had a population growth by about 8.000 inhabitants with main residence.

  • Population density: 1,734 inhabitants/km2
  • Total population: 575,634 inhabitants
  • Population with main residence in the city: 569,173 inhabitants
    • of which:
      women: 286,179 (50.3 %)
      men: 282,994 (49.7 %)
    • of which:
      foreigners: 63,396 (11.1 %)

Accommodation and households

  • Number of households: 307,464 of which
  • households with 1 person: 161,520
  • households with 2 persons: 85,601
  • households with 3 persons: 30,605
  • households with 4 persons: 22,495
  • households with 5 or more persons: 7,243

(Figures as per 31st December 2022)

Population forecast

The population forecast is based on the data of the municipal population register. The forecast figures are also relevant for the planning of nurseries and school development and are therefore calculated in the middle of the year. The forecast period starts with the existing data as of 30 June 2022 and comprises the years up to 2040. According to this prognosis, Dresden will have about 578,800 inhabitants in mid-2040.

