Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 01.02.2023 10:51:03 Uhr 26.03.2025 19:41:35 Uhr

Municipal Citizen Survey 2022 (KBU)

In spring 2022, the City of Dresden approached a random sample of 18,000 local citizens and asked them to participate in its 14th Municipal Citizen Survey (KBU). Around 6,000 of those contacted actually completed and returned the questionnaires. This response rate of 33.5 per cent was comparable to that achieved by the last citizen survey two years ago. The City of Dresden thanks all those who responded for their participation.

The following thematic complexes were addressed by the Municipal Citizen Survey in 2022: Housing, financial situation, characterisation of the city, the environment, public security, urban mobility, community involvement, leisure and health, as well as local government and politics. Brief summaries of the results in a few key areas can be found below.

Full findings for reference

The findings of the latest Municipal Citizen Survey are published in two brochures. The brochure “Hauptaussagen” (Main Statements) evaluates and interprets the data collected by the survey and illustrates the results by way of informative diagrams, tables and maps.

Detailed statistical analyses of the responses to all survey questions are to be found in the brochure “Tabellenteil” (Tables). These tables provide a transparent basis for evaluation of the results according to selected socio-demographic factors and for each of 17 defined neighbourhoods (adjoining city districts with similar settlement structures).

Both brochures, and similarly those relating to previous Municipal Citizen Surveys, are available for download.

Dresden interactive

You can view selected results in the interactive KBU Atlas application. The presentation is on the level of the 17 city areas (summarized city districts) and shows the KBU data on the amount of basic rent, income and many other topics on a Dresden map and via various graphics in a descriptive way. The KBU atlas contains the data of all KBU since the year 1993. You can reach the KBU atlas with the following link:

Archive of the results of the municipal citizen surveys


Kommunale Statistikstelle

Landeshauptstadt Dresden

Visitor address

Ostra-Allee 11
01067 Dresden
1st floor

Interactive City Map

Phone 0351-4886922

Postal address

Postfach 12 00 20
01001 Dresden

