Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 02.07.2015 15:30:06 Uhr 26.03.2025 07:20:01 Uhr

Parties, Festivals, Events

When it comes to putting on splendid celebrations, Dresden boasts remarkable traditions dating back centuries. A flourishing and extremely diverse festival culture has survived to the present day.

The »Striezelmarkt«, the oldest German Christmas market (founded in 1434), as well as the diverse Baroque court festivities during the period of Augustus the Strong established this tradition and continue to contribute to Dresden's European-wide reputation as a city of celebrations and festivals to this day.

In addition to the traditional celebrations there is a large number of new festivals and activities all year round, so that Dresden residents and visitors may choose from a variety of events of all kinds which have more than just regional importance.

The »Elbhangfest«, for example, which is known far beyond the borders of Saxony, came into existence in 1991 in connection with an initiative to save two churches of cultural and historic value on the slope by the River Elbe.

The most important events for film lovers are the Film Festival for short and animation films in April and by far more famous: the "Filmnächte" (film nights) right on the banks of the river Elbe lasting from June to August.

In terms of the musical life the Dixieland Festival in May is probably the most popular festivity which welcomes Jazz fans of all ages and of all nationalities. Not less important are the 2 weeks lasting "Dresdner Musikfestspiele" (Music Festival). Over the years it became one of the greatest classical music festival of Germany with participants from Dresden as well as international artists and ensembles.

Joyful events in summer are always the different district festivals. The "Bunte Republik Neustadt" (BRN) in June is by far the most popular event for the alternative scene with various concerts and a great supply of eating and drinking. A bit smaller but more original and intimate is the "Hechtfest" in August.

