Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 30.03.2022 13:04:52 Uhr 26.03.2025 14:43:31 Uhr |
Dresden, a green city
With 62 per cent of its area devoted to woods and green spaces, Dresden can be considered one of the greenest cities in Europe.
The heathlands of the »Dresdner Heide« embrace the city in the north, while the Grosser Garten park spreads out extensively at the very heart of Dresden. The blue-green ribbon of the River Elbe winds its way through the city, lined by broad meadows and gentle vineyards.
Centuries of far-sighted urban planning have ensured that Dresden can be perceived as an integral part of the Elbe valley landscape.
Protected areas
- 4 protected nature areas with 265 ha
- 10 protected landscape areas with 12,340 ha
- 15 protected parts of landscape with 71 ha
- 138 natural monuments with 134 ha
- 10 flora-fauna-habitat-areas with 1,901 ha
- 8 drinking-water protection areas with 2,093 ha
- 3 bird protection areas with 1,609 ha
- 543 flowing waters (438 km) and 286 standing waters (168 ha) stretches like a net over the entire city and forms a connection to the local nature reserves
Public green spaces
- Green spaces and recreation areas with 890 ha, including
- 147 ha Grosser Garten park
- 12 ha Dresden Zoo
- 3.3 ha Botanical Gardens
- 6.5 ha Zwinger
- 28 ha Pillnitz Palace
Other areas
- 369 allotment gardens with 792 ha
- Vineyards with 24 ha
- 58 cemeteries with 196 ha, including
- 4 municipal cemeteries
- 53 church cemeteries
- 1 Free State of Saxony
- 54.341 roadside trees
- some 839 publicly accessible playgrounds
- some 300 fountains
(Figures as at 31st December 2021)