Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 05.04.2023 09:01:20 Uhr 26.03.2025 10:04:10 Uhr

Dresden Charta for Sustainability in the Cultural Sector

A clear commitment to sustainability

One thing is clear: a change towards ecologically and socially sustainable structures is established through a cultural change, communicated through the clear positioning and the creative space of cultural actors.

The central objective of this charta is to support a comprehensive sustainability transformation of the cultural sector and to use this to influence society, politics and the economy.

Art and culture thrive on diversity and internationality. In the area of tension between artistic freedom, the preservation of material and immaterial cultural assets and ecological-social responsibility, it is important to find ways of conscientiously handling artistic, scientific and production-related resources. It is up to the cultural institutions themselves to set an example and to take and communicate sustainability measures.

It is the conviction of the signatories that the guidelines, principles and criteria of this Charter can also serve as a guideline for other cultural institutions. This is combined with the call to all cultural institutions and actors in the arts and cultural sector to join the Charter and to undertake their own sustainability efforts. Only together can we be powerful enough to tackle the challenges.


Become part of our network and a co-signer

Would you also like to set an example, take sustainability measures for your cultural institution and join the list of signatories to the charta? Contact us and become part of our network.

