Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 13.01.2020 09:57:19 Uhr 26.03.2025 11:54:03 Uhr


Schools in Dresden

Dresden's schools offer children and young people the most varied paths to achieve their individually defined objectives.

There are several important decisions to be made by families as their children progress through school.

Primary school

School-beginners are already able to choose between municipal schools and alternatives offered by a number of independent organisations.

Secondary school or grammar school?

At the end of primary school, during the fourth school year, decisions are made on whether the pupils are to move on to a secondary school or to a grammar school. In both cases, they can choose a school which offers general specialisations to suit their particular interests and aptitudes.

Trainee or student?

The young people already begin to clarify their future plans well before actually leaving school. Career wishes determine the examinations to be taken and applications for vocational training placements or university studies are placed in the foreground.

Obligatory School Attendance

Informations are available in the following languages:

Schools Administration Office

Landeshauptstadt Dresden

Geschäftsbereich Allgemeine Verwaltung

Visitor address

Fiedlerstraße 30
Room 217
D-01307 Dresden

Interactive City Map

Phone +49-351-488 9201
Fax +49-351-488 9203

Postal address

Postfach 12 00 20
D-01001 Dresden

