Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 12.10.2018 13:55:00 Uhr 26.03.2025 08:21:11 Uhr


View on the Building of the Semper Opera

Dresden's theatres, too, have contributed to the city's world-wide reputation as a centre of art and culture. Magnificent theatre buildings, such as the famous Semper Opera House, demonstrate through their appearance how much importance was attached to this genre of art. Although all the theatres were destroyed during the Second World War, theatre enthusiasts today can still choose from a diverse programme.

Friends of the opera can enjoy performances in the Semper Opera House, which was rebuilt and restored to its former splendour.

Those who prefer light musical entertainment will find their pleasure at the Dresden State Operetta. Operetta, Musicals and Opera. The Dresden State Operetta is an expert for the cheerful and entertaining sides of the musical theatre and is one of the few theatres in the German-speaking countries that has focused precisely on this genre. The versatile ensemble - consisting of singers, choir, ballet and orchestra - has its new home since December 2016. A modern theatre, developed in the landmark Kraftwerk Mitte, combining the industrial architecture with new premises. Centrally located in the inner city, the attractive venue and the varied repertoire magically attract the audience. 

The Dresden Staatsschauspiel provides its spectators with a wide range of dramatic art.

The need for high-standard witty entertainment is served by the Dresden Comedy House (Komödie Dresden), an independent theatre with regularly changing productions. Young people are attracted by the Theatre for the Young Generation (Theater Junge Generation) which provides several artistic lines for different ages.

Venues like the Societaetstheater, the Festspielhaus Hellerau und the projekttheater are open to the alternative modern dance and theatre scene. In summer, outdoor theatre performances can be enjoyed in several charming and attractive places in the city – for example in the Zwinger courtyard, the Stallhof (stable courtyard), in the Park Theatre or in the grounds of Pillnitz Palace.

Sächsische Staatsoper Dresden

Saxon State Opera

Visitor address

Theaterplatz 2
01067 Dresden

Interactive City Map

Staatsschauspiel Dresden

Dresden State Theatre

Visitor address

Ostra-Allee 3
01067 Dresden

Interactive City Map

Staatsoperette Dresden

Dresden State Operetta

Visitor address

Kraftwerk Mitte 1
01067 Dresden

Interactive City Map

Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Hellerau

European Centre for the Arts Hellerau

Visitor address

Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 56
01109 Dresden

Interactive City Map

Further addresses

Please refer to the German version of our website to see a list of further theatres and stages:

