Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 11.06.2015 13:35:33 Uhr 01.09.2024 12:21:00 Uhr


13. When and where can I register for my child to attend a day care facility?

Registration procedure dependent on provider

Parents who wish a nursery, child minder, kindergarten or after-school care place for their children must register them with the provider concerned. The exact procedure may vary from one provider to another, and so it is first of all important for parents to know who is responsible for their chosen day care facility. Information can be obtained from the directors of the facilities or via the following link.

Independent providers

In the case of independently or privately run day care facilities, registrations must normally be addressed directly to the director of the chosen facility.

City of Dresden as a public provider

Where a facility is run by the City of Dresden, as the municipal provider of all public services, only registrations for a place in after-school care are processed by the individual facilities. In this case, parents must simply submit an informal written request for their child before he or she starts school.

Registrations for nursery and kindergarten children are processed centrally by the municipal Child Day Care Agency for Dresden. Parents must first complete a registration form, which can be obtained in any of the day care centres or else from the agency itself.

Parents can select between one and a maximum of five municipal day care facilities for their child, and must enter these facilities on the form in order of preference. The completed form is then sent to the Child Day Care Agency for Dresden. If parents wish their child to move between two comparable municipal facilities, for whatever reason, then a corresponding switch application can be submitted.

Observe the statutory deadlines

A registration for a nursery or kindergarten place must be submitted at the latest six months in advance - irrespective of the provider concerned. This is the deadline stipulated in § 4 of the Saxon Law on Day Care and Promotion Facilities for Children (SächsKitaG). This is generally also the date from which the providers allocate their available places. Consequently, parents cannot be informed finally as to which particular facility their child will be able to attend until at the earliest six months before the date on which care is to commence.

Care and supervision contract

Before a child is accepted into a municipal day care facility, the Child Day Care Agency for Dresden concludes a care and supervision contract with the parents. The contract contains various necessary legal agreements and specifies in particular the daily duration of care in the facility. If this duration needs to be changed at any time, the parent or guardian must submit a written notification to the director of their day care centre. The requested changes then become effective from the beginning of the following month. If a child moves between two comparable municipal day care facilities run by the City of Dresden, then the care and supervision contract is simply carried over to the new day care facility.

The contracts for the independently run facilities may vary in certain points. Precise information should be obtained from the day care centre in question.

Applications for personal child care

Parents who wish their children to be cared for by a child minder must submit a corresponding application to the Child Day Care Agency for Dresden. This should also be done six months in advance, if possible. The municipal day care agency is able to provide parents interested in this form of care with detailed information on the individual child minders, their terms and conditions and the emphasis of their care approach. Parents requiring a child minder place in the city districts Prohlis, Leuben or Plauen, should contact the advice and info centre of the organisation »Outlaw«.

You must then contact the child minders yourself to discuss individual arrangements, for example the necessary scope of care, general expectations or the form of a familiarisation phase. The final decision regarding conclusion of a care agreement is a matter exclusively for the parents and child minder. The municipal agency is not involved.

Before care commences, the parents conclude a care agreement with the child minder, containing all the necessary legal provisions. One particular point is the agreed duration of care, which then determines the contribution which the parents are required to pay to the Child Day Care Agency for Dresden. If the duration of care needs to be changed, the child minder must be informed accordingly in writing. If the child minder agrees to the new duration, a written notification is sent to the municipal agency and becomes effective from the beginning of the following month. If a child needs to move from one child minder to another, then it is always necessary to conclude a new care agreement.


It is only possible to given notice to terminate a contract for a municipal day care facility to the end of a month. The notice of termination must be given in writing to the director of the facility concerned by the first day of the last month in which the child is to attend. The care and supervision contract for a kindergarten ends automatically when the child reaches school age, that for an after-school centre when the child completes the fourth grade of school. In both cases, the school year still includes the subsequent summer holidays.

In the case of personal child care, both the parents and the child minder are entitled to terminate the care agreement. The intention to terminate the agreement must be notified in writing and is effective with a period of notice of four weeks to the end of a month, unless stipulated otherwise in the care agreement.

The procedures and periods of notice may vary in the case of independently run care facilities. Parents should therefore consult the concluded agreements or contact the facility in question for further details.


Child Day Care Agency for Dresden

Visitor address

Dr.-Külz-Ring 19
01067 Dresden

Phone +49-(0)351-4885046, -47

Postal address

Postfach 12 00 20
01001 Dresden


Outlaw gGmbH
Beratungs- und Vermittlungsstelle für Kindertagespflege

Visitor address

Franz-Liszt-Straße 13
01219 Dresden