Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 03.05.2023 12:16:52 Uhr 21.12.2024 18:10:20 Uhr

Standard land values & special standard land values (redevelopment areas)

Standard land values are the average values calculated for undeveloped, unencumbered plots of land on the basis of their standard value-determining features. The Themenstadtplan (thematic city plan) includes standard land values from all years. The Property Valuation Committee (Gutachterausschuss) can provide written information on standard land values for a fee. You can request this informally at the committee’s office and/or by completing the relevant form.

Costs are determined by the Charter Governing the Fees and Remuneration of the Property Valuation Committee (Gutachterausschusssatzung).

This information can also be obtained via the geodata services GeoDaten Dresden, GSD and On-geo.

Standard land value maps can be purchased directly from the customer service centre at the Office for Geodata and Land Registers (Amt für Geodaten und Kataster) or on its online store.

Retrieve standard land values from thematic city plan
Retrieve special standard land values (redevelopment areas) from thematic city plan
Information request form for standard land values
Charter of the Property Valuation Committee
Access the online store
GeoDaten Dresden

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