Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 06.08.2020 11:38:20 Uhr 07.03.2025 03:33:40 Uhr |
Exhibiting People
Applying to exhibit people
Applying to exhibit people
If you would like to exhibit people for commercial reasons on your business premises, or if you would like to provide your business premises for such purposes, you shall require a permit.
Exhibitions should be particularly understood as “gender-related” performances, such as striptease and similar acts. This does not apply to performances of a predominantly artistic, sporting, acrobatic or similar nature.
Permits might only be issued for a certain period of time and may be subject to certain conditions (such stipulations may even be issued afterwards).
A permit shall not be issued if:
- there is reason to believe the applicant does not have the reliability required for the business operation;
- the exhibition is likely to violate common decency;
- the business operation is contrary to the public interest in view of its location or the use of the premises, especially if the event is expected to have a harmful effect on the environment within the scope of the Federal Emissions Control Act (BImSchG) or other considerable disadvantages, hazards or damage.
Required forms
You can apply to exhibit people by means of an informal letter. Your application should describe the planned event in detail (schedule, performances, performers, etc.). You must also state when and where the exhibition is to take place. A floor plan of the event location must be attached to your application, displaying exactly where the exhibition is to take place.
Useful leaflets
Administration fees
Description of fees:
Sliding-scale fees between EUR 25.00 and EUR 500.00. Fees shall be calculated based on the amount of administration work involved.
Minimum fee: EUR 25.00
Maximum fee: EUR 500.00
Payment methods: cash, EC card, bank transfer, direct debit |
Your application must be submitted on time (at least 2 weeks) before the event.
Responsible department
Legal basis
Section 33a GewO
Determination of costs
Registering a business
If you want to start an (industrial) business, you must register this with the competent authorities. The same applies if you launch a branch office or dependent subsidiary.
TIP: Get advice from your accountant before registering a business.
A business is any socially valuable activity that aims to make a profit and is established on a long-term basis. The activity must also be exercised under one’s own name and for one’s own account. It does not matter whether profit is actually made.
Some particular enterprises that are not considered a business are socially worthless activities (e.g. clairvoyance), liberal professionals (doctors, lawyers and accountants), and other activities that require a degree from a university or university of applied sciences.
Primary production (e.g. agriculture and forestry), scientific business consultancy and the management of one’s own assets are not considered a business.
The purpose of business registration is to allow the competent authorities to fulfil their regulatory and controlling tasks. Registration is also important for statistical surveys.
ATTENTION: Some business activities require a licence; others are subject to monitoring. Special conditions apply to them. Please find out in good time which personal, financial and professional requirements you have to meet to work in these commercial sectors. If you operate a business without the required permit, the competent authorities may prohibit you from continuing your business.
A special condition applies to you, for example, if you run vending machine installation as an independent business – you must only register this particular trade with the authority that is locally responsible for the head office.
Timescale / duration
Businesses must be registered immediately once commercial activity begins. Late notification may be prosecuted as an administrative offence.
Who has to report the business?
- Individual businesses: the businessperson himself/herself
- Partnerships (e.g. general partnership, partnership within the meaning of the German Civil Code: the managing partners
- Companies limited by shares (e.g. limited liability company (GmbH), public limited company (AG): the legal representative
Optional documents
Excerpt from the Central Trade Register for businesses subject to monitoring according to Section 38 GewO
Certificate of conduct for submission to an authority in accordance with Section 30 Paragraph 5 of the Federal Central Criminal Register (BZRG) for businesses subject to monitoring according to Section 38 GewO Shareholder agreement for legal entities and partnerships being established
Trader’s Card
Excerpt from the commercial Register
for legal entities and partnershipsResidence permit for non-EU nationals
Minimum fee: EUR 10.00
Maximum fee: EUR 65.00
Responsible department
Legal basis
Industrial Code (GewO)
Section 14 / 55c GewO
Determination of costs
Tax registration
You can find this information at
Tax Registration [Amt 24]
Transcript from the commercial register
If the company is on the commercial register: You can find this information at Transcript from the commercial register [Amt 24]