Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 23.05.2015 10:05:57 Uhr 22.01.2025 23:33:39 Uhr

Child minders

Personal day care as an alternative to nursery

In accordance with § 3 (3) of the Saxon Law on Day Care and Promotion Facilities for Children (SächsKitaG), the City of Dresden offers parents the alternative of personal day care for their children if no suitable places are available in the standard child day care facilities.

This offer is aimed above all at parents with children up to 3 years. In this form of day care, the children are looked after exclusively in the household of the responsible child minder.

If parents take up the offer of a place with a child minder, then they are required to contribute to the costs of financing this day care in the form of a parent contribution. The amount of the parent contribution is laid down in the applicable schedule of contributions for child day care and is paid to the City of Dresden. It is possible to apply for reduction or even full waiving of the calculated contribution.

The child minder receives compensation from the City of Dresden for the arising expenses, based on the agreed scope of care to be provided. This compensation comprises grants from the Free State of Saxony and the City of Dresden, and the above-mentioned parents contribution.

Details are stipulated in the Guideline of the City of Dresden on the Promotion of Children in Day Care:

General information and contact to individual child minders is provided by the municipal Child Day Care Agency for Dresden.

  • Applications for personal day care and child minder approvals are processed by the Sachgebiet Förderung freier Träger (Dr.-Külz-Ring 19, Tel. 0351-4885043)
