Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 23.05.2015 10:05:55 Uhr 30.06.2024 16:25:09 Uhr

Child day care facilities


Dresden parents can usually register their children to attend a day care facility (nursery, kindergarten, after-school centre) until they complete the fourth grade of school. You can choose a day care facility for your child on the basis of individual preferences (e.g. location, size, provider, profile, concept, opening hours or other criteria).

The prerequisites for attendance, opening times and registration procedures are laid down in the Statutes of the City of Dresden on the Promotion of Children in Day Care Facilities and Personal Day Care, which are available for download here:

An overview of the facilities offered by the City of Dresden and independent welfare providers can be found in the municipal brochure »Wo kleine Dresdner groß werden. Kindertageseinrichtungen«.

Further information on the day care facilities run by independent providers, including the availability of free places, can be obtained from the responsible director, who also accepts applications and concludes a care and supervision contract with the parents.

Advance registration for municipal facilities

A registration form for acceptance into a municipal child day care facility can be downloaded here or completed online:

Registrations for after-school centres

Registrations for after-school centres must be addressed to the responsible director of the after-school centre or child day care facility offering after-school care.

Schedule of contributions

Die »Statutes of the City of Dresden on the Collection of Parent Contributions for Child Day Care Facilities and Personal Day Care« (in short: »Schedule of Parent Contributions for Child Day Care Facilities and Personal Day Care«) can be downloaded here. The actual amount of the payable contribution can be taken from the information sheet »Parent contributions«.

Handicapped children

Children with handicaps (either permanent handicaps, or physical, intellectual or psychological difficulties prevailing over a longer period) are offered intensive support in remedial day care facilities until they reach school age. Thereafter, full-day care facilities continue this individual promotion for children attending a special school. An overview of the available facilities can be found in the municipal brochure »Wo kleine Dresdner groß werden. Kindertageseinrichtungen«.

Further information for parents on child day care facilities:

Abteilung Personalmanagement, Sachgebiet Beitragsstelle,
Dr.-Külz-Ring 19 (Telefon 0351-4885080)

Office hours for visitors:

  • Mon and Fri: 8 a.m. to 12 noon
  • Tue and Thu: 8 a.m. to 12 noon and 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.  

Supervising office for the staff of municipal child day care facilities and for the coordination of work experience and community service placements:

  • Abteilung Personalmanagement

Advice and support for independent child and youth welfare providers (pertaining to the operation of child day care facilities):

  • Sachgebiet Förderung freier Träger, Dr.-Külz-Ring 19 (Telefon 0351-4885043)