Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 26.08.2020 17:19:09 Uhr 16.07.2024 20:55:50 Uhr


So what have we learned at the end of the day and what does it actually take to be a change maker in your city and in the world? This was the question raised towards the end of the conference.

Here is what the young people had to say

  • „Change begins within ourselves, doing little changes makes changes for the     whole society.“
  • „By using arts we can change the city and the world.“
  • „Work together, listen to kids, get out of your comfort zone.“
  • „Help speaking up, never give  up, empower everyone.“
  • „Do not fear change, talk to each other, find common vision.“
  • „Change starts within us, IDD is a drop of water that brings drop of changes into the world.“
  • „Cultivate your outrage.“  „Show adults that they do not have the monopol on knowledge, youth is the key to the future.“
  • „Create relationships between wish and will and connect with people.“ „Link adults and youth and local change makers and organise more events for that purpose.“
  • „Change the present, learn from the past if you want to make it last.“
  • „Be constant, not just loud.“
  • „Keep going“.
