Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 04.03.2022 09:42:57 Uhr 06.03.2025 22:56:25 Uhr

Robots for skilled trades

Dresden Chamber of Trades and Crafts
Competence Centre

The exoskeleton provides support during physically difficult work.
The exoskeleton provides support during physically difficult work.

There are many different ways that robot technology can be applied to skilled trades. Unlike conventional industrial applications, however, they require a high degree of flexibility. Because, while robots in industry operate within fixed cells in a hall devoid of people, this sort of scenario is unthinkable when it comes to skilled trades. Here, robots are designed to act as an additional tool for tradespeople, who share their work space at workshops or on construction sites with the robots – ideally even as their ‘third hand’. The robot performs activities assumed to be more dangerous or difficult, giving the human the necessary scope to focus on more creative tasks.

The Dresden Chamber of Trades and Crafts assesses the tasks particularly suitable for robot usage in skilled trades. With its ‘Robotics in skilled trades’ competence centre, it helps businesses choose the right technologies. To do this, the chamber operates, among other things, the robotics test field in which robotics technology can be experienced and tested live. Together with various demonstrators, this enables everyday work problems to be solved and tested to ensure they are suitable for implementation in skilled trades. The test field’s focus areas encompass materials transport and handling, automated machining of workpieces and materials, and exoskeleton-based assistance.

