Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 30.08.2024 13:48:57 Uhr 01.09.2024 05:19:42 Uhr


Dresden as a laboratory of the future

Mobility transformation in the 'Ostragehege'

Entrance to the new Heinz Steyer Stadium in Dresden

The "MOBILITIES for EU" project is pioneering a testing ground for the mobility of the future in Dresden's Ostragehege and northern Friedrichstadt. In this versatile area, which combines sports facilities, the Flutrinne event venue and the Dresden trade fair center, the state capital is working with various partners to develop innovative solutions to improve transport and sustainability. The pilot projects include charging robots for innovative e-charging, highly automated driving and optimization of the power grid via a 5G network. In addition, an intermodal mobility concept is being implemented that increases safety for cyclists and pedestrians. With these measures, Dresden is taking on a leading role in urban mobility development and shaping the mobility of tomorrow. The OSTRA Labor in Heinz Steyer Stadium offers a place for the exchange and further development of these ideas.

Opening of the Ostra Laboratory in Dresden

The centrepiece of Dresden's participation in the EU project Mobilities for EU is the Ostra Laboratory for Urban Mobility located in the project area, which will open at Saturday, 31 August 2024.

Mission "100 climate-neutral and smart cities"

MOBILITIES for EU in the spirit of European climate neutrality

Graphic of Europe labelled 'co2-free 2050'

Europe is to become carbon neutral by 2050 - that is what the countries have agreed as part of the European Green Deal. Transport has a key role to play, as it is responsible for over 30% of total energy consumption in Europe and is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases. Against this background, the MOBILITIES for EU project has been launched to accelerate the transition to clean urban mobility in European cities. This is to be achieved through energy-efficient and user-oriented concepts for passenger and freight transport.

The pilot measures and results of the two EU projects Mobilities for EU and NEUTRALPATH are aimed at the Climate City Contract to be developed as part of the EU mission "100 climate neutral and smart cities by 2030". This is an urban framework plan that describes what the path to climate neutrality could look like. The two EU projects are important building blocks for making this path concrete.

Objectives of the project

As part of the EU project Mobilities for EU, Dresden will carry out six pilot projects focussing on both passenger and freight mobility. These pilots include:

  • innovative and flexible e-charging via charging robots
  • infrastructure-assisted Automated Connected Driving through a Control Centre and Mobility Data Space
  • Development of traffic, transport and operator concepts and establishment of business models
  • Electrification and automation of the public bus fleet
  • Platform for services, data and components with open interfaces for dynamic functionality development and integration of partner applications
  • 5G private communication network and power grid-based optimization and control


The MOBILITIES for EU project in Dresden is supported by these partners:


City of Dresden

Economic Development Office

Official EU project website

Funded by