Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 17.06.2015 16:12:43 Uhr 01.09.2024 10:17:32 Uhr

Facts and figures

Child day care facilitiesNumber
City of Dresden 374
Municipal child day care facilities,
of which
Creches 3
Kindergartens 118
Schoolchildren´s day centres 51
Integrative centres with kindergartens 46
Integrative centres with after-school facilities 10
Independent child day care facilities, of which 202
Creches 9
Kindergartens 170
Schoolchildren´s day centres 23
Integrative centres with kindergartens 70
Integrative centres with after-school facilities 17
Personal child care (child miners) with 1878 places 413

(figures as per 31st March 2015)