Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 12.01.2024 10:38:58 Uhr 21.11.2024 13:22:43 Uhr |
More cooperation for the production and marketing of regional products
OLGA thinks of nature conservation, nutrition and regional value creation together and tries to network initiatives and people who support the production, processing, marketing and consumption of regionally sustainable food in the Dresden region, to promote joint regional value creation and to establish corresponding structures. Through various event formats, regional actors but also the public is involved in the process of becoming aware of their own region and its potentials and resources.
Where can regional value-added cycles be created or optimised, actors along the value chain networked and generally cooperation structures for the production, processing, marketing and consumption of regional products created or supported?
Which regional financing models are needed so that regional cooperation structures remain capable of acting in the long term?
How can the public awareness for regional products in the field of energy use and food be sustainably increased?
In Module 2, the following activities will be carried out:
- Analysis of agricultural use in the past and today in the Dresden region and characterisation of agricultural typology 
- Survey on the supply situation of regional products in gastronomy & Co.
- Analysis of additional potentials for regional value creation and financing
- Development of guidelines for regional production and marketing in the Dresden region
- Establishment of cooperation structures for the production and marketing of regional products
Umweltzentrum Dreden e.V.
Tom Umbreit
Agriculture & Food
Veronica Schmidt-Cotta
Regional value creation & marketing
Thomas Schindhelm