Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 15.06.2015 16:40:39 Uhr 22.02.2025 10:57:14 Uhr |
Dresden as an electoral capital
In 1547, as a result of the Schmalkalden War, the Albertine princes were granted electoral privileges. Dresden hereby became the capital of what was not only the most important Protestant land, but at the same time also the most powerful German state after the Habsburg territories.
The city underwent rapid urban development under Elector Moritz: The transformation of the castle into a magnificent palace complex was continued, the armoury and mews were built, the mediaeval town wall was replaced with modern fortifications and the outer settlement along the Elbe around the Frauenkirche church was incorporated into the city.
The royal court promoted the development of the arts: in 1548, the »Hofcantorey«, the precursor of the Staatskapelle orchestra, was founded and the ground was prepared for the royal art collections.
The population of Dresden tripled between 1500 and 1600.