Landeshauptstadt Dresden -

02.12.2022 12:27:25 Uhr

Museums in Dresden

Dresden Panometer

The Dresden Panometer presents its visitors an entirely unique exhibition concept. Since 2006, the Berlin artist Yadegar Asisi has been using a former gasometer in the Reick district of Dresden to show his globally unique 360° panoramas. At a height of 27 metres and a circumference of more than 100, the Dresden Panometer features local history, condensed in an exceptional artwork. Thanks to day and night installations as well as fitting background music and sounds, the striking 360° panoramas have an absolutely real and lifelike appearance. From a height of 15 metres, a true-to-scale perspective on the events in the panorama images opens up to the visitors on the viewing platform. The concept of each panorama is rounded out by an accompanying exhibition and film contributions, making the Panometer the perfect way to acquaint oneself with the city on the Elbe. On view in alternation are the panorama exhibitions “DRESDEN IN THE BAROQUE – The Legend of the Saxon Royal Residence” and “DRESDEN IN 1945 – The Tragedy and Hope of a European City” .

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 10 am to 5 pm Saturdays, Sundays, holidays 10 am to 6 pm


Adults 14.00 EUR, reduced 12.00 EUR, children (ages 6 to 16) 7.00 EUR, children under 6 free of charge, family ticket 35.00 EUR

Educational offers


  • audio guide
  • cafe
  • shop
  • lectures
Bild von Dresden Panometer
© Dresden Panometer