Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 15.03.2021 11:47:12 Uhr 01.04.2025 00:58:34 Uhr

Japanese Palace

Started in 1714 and enlarged in 1723-33 in the late Baroque-Classicistic style, this four-winged building was originally intended to accommodate the porcelain collection of Augustus the Strong. This intent is still visible in the curved roofs, the relief on the gable above the portal and the Chinese herms in the inner courtyard. Today it houses the Ethnological Museum and temporary exhibitions.

Visitor address

Palaisplatz 11, 01097 Dresden

Interactive City Map

Local public transport

Tram Nos. 9 to Palaisplatz

Oberelbe transport authority (VVO)

VVO information

Opening hours

Current special exhibition "Inspiration Handwerk" Tue to Sun 10 am to 6 pm, Mon closed

Dresden Ethnological Museum

Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden

Opening hours

The Damascus Room: Sat/Sun 10 am to 6 pm, Mon to Fri closed

