Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 22.05.2015 12:21:43 Uhr 30.06.2024 12:19:37 Uhr

City map and aerial photos

We offer you a Dresden city map of a special kind. Our »Thematic City Map« is very useful from different perspectives:

A detailed street map shows the whole network of Dresden's roads and traffic routes.

The City Surveyor's Office also offers aerial photos of the whole area covered by the city.

A full register of street names and house numbers simplifies your search for a particular address.

Thematic maps offer you a fantastic insight into many issues of general and of special interest.

Please note:

Unfortunately, the services of our City Map are only available in German.

Thematic city map

Street map, aerial photos, thematic maps...

City Surveyor's Office

City of Dresden
Dept. for City Development
City Surveyor´s Office

Visitor address

Ammonstraße 74
(3rd floor)
D-01067 Dresden

Interactive City Map

Phone +49-(0)351-4884148
Fax +49-(0)351-4884163

Postal address

Postfach 12 00 20
D-01001 Dresden