Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 03.05.2024 13:43:23 Uhr |
43. Grundschule "Thomas Müntzer" Dresden
01139 Dresden
A - Main entrance - Entrance school
Please ring bell for assistance by personnel
Access is at ground level
Hinged door
B - Side entrance - School side entrance
Access is at ground level
Hinged door
Rollstuhl-WC Jungen 1. OG (112)
Standard dimensions of toilet, diverging dimensions are indicated:
Standard dimensions of toilet, diverging dimensions are indicated:
Right-hand side: Movable
Left-hand side: Movable
The washbasin basically corresponds to the dimensions of this drawing, other dimensions are indicated.
Rollstuhl-WC Mädchen 1. OG (105)
Standard dimensions of toilet, diverging dimensions are indicated:
Standard dimensions of toilet, diverging dimensions are indicated:
Right-hand side: Movable
Left-hand side: Movable
The washbasin basically corresponds to the dimensions of this drawing, other dimensions are indicated.
Rollstuhl-WC im UG (K35)
Standard dimensions of toilet, diverging dimensions are indicated:
Standard dimensions of toilet, diverging dimensions are indicated:
Standard dimensions of toilet, diverging dimensions are indicated:
Standard dimensions of toilet, diverging dimensions are indicated:
Right-hand side: Movable
Left-hand side: Movable
The washbasin basically corresponds to the dimensions of this drawing, other dimensions are indicated.
A - Stairwell
Areas of use
Außenbereich Hof
Bibliothek EG
Computerraum 2. OG (210)
Clearance under counter not wheelchair accessible
The tables cannot be driven under.
Differenzierungsraum 2. OG
Clearance under counter not wheelchair accessible
The school desks cannot be driven under.
Gruppenraum für Kunst im UG
Hort 2. OG
Klassenzimmer 1. OG
Klassenzimmer 2. OG
Klassenzimmer EG
Mehrzweckraum 2. OG (232)
Clearance under counter not wheelchair accessible
The tables cannot be driven under.
Musikzimmer 1. OG
Speise- und Mehrzweckraum EG
Counter higher than 80 cm
The food counter is 83 cm high and cannot be driven under.
Seating not permanently installed
Open spaces for wheelchairs available
Table well lit
Unobstructed eye contact at the table
No/ switchable loudspeakers in the area of the table
Werkraum im UG
Clearance under counter not wheelchair accessible
The workbenches cannot be driven under.